Monday, March 30, 2009

Behind the Scenes at the White House (and Amtrak)

Robert Gibbs for Time Magazine in the White House Press Briefing Room
Photo Editor: Leslie dela Vega
Assistant: Nick Jraba 
2nd assist / Mic holder: Shannon Twomey

In February I had one of the best shoots yet. I know, I always say that, but this was full of giddy exaltation. The assignment, to photograph press secretary Robert Gibbs... at the White House. Booya! What a great opportunity. We hopped on the train from NY and met Nick, who crammed 4 power packs and a crap load of gear into his trusty Honda Civic. Moms was calling me every other hour to update me on the whereabouts of Obama, with hopes of a sighting. The above picture is pretty much exactly what Leslie envisioned, but of course we wanted to get as many variations as possible with our 30 minutes. So, here's what else we were able to talk Mr. Gibbs into (and he ain't an easy one to assuage) in the 15 minutes we ended up getting ...


But the best was yet to come. Since we didn't get our 30 minutes, we got to hang with the CNNers and papparazzi the first fam getting on Marine One for Camp David. I love Shannon's image the most. She was so excited to see Obama, she lifted her head up to see him in person, instead of through the lens, and this is what she got...

good thing I was on backup for moms...

But it doesn't stop there. As if the day couldn't get better, we get on amtrak and run into Dennis Kucinich. And as much as I love Barack, I do really love me some Dennis... 

You know it's real when I bust out a Fire Marshall Bill smile. And check out his young wifey (whut? whut?!) ...

All in a day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Back in the Day

When I finally get to it, cleaning isn't all that bad. I have one shelf that consists of random snapshots that is in desperate need of some organization. My book keeper says I need to honor my space, so I'm trying to get this place spiffy so my creative energy can flow. And then I came across a time when all I cared about was music. A scrapbook consisting of my ticket stubs which even brags a few autographs. In middle school, I lived down the street from KSOL (they no longer exist), and I would ride my bike up there anytime I heard someone famous on the station. I'd wait in the hallway or in the parking lot to get an autograph. Even though it wasn't pictures, there was some innate obligation to witness and document. It was usually psuedo stars like The Jets and Bobby Brown (he rode my bike!). One day I went up to get Yo Yo's autograph. I was waiting in the hallway for about an hour, when some random dude (who reeked of the wacky tobacky) finally said, "Do you want me to just go inside and get her autograph for you?" I was relieved. He came back with a beautiful autograph (on classic letterhead) from Yo Yo and said, "I'm gonna give you my autograph too, cuz I'm gonna be real famous one day." I love when people know their personal legend. Thanks for reminding me 2Pac. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009