Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't Gimme No Bammer Weed

On the heels of the Obama administration's memo to end the raids on marijuana dispensaries, I'm sharing a story I did for Fortune Magazine on medicinal marijuana in September. The pioneers in this game are such political mavericks. Stephen DeAngelo (Harborside Health, Oakland), Richard Lee (Oaksterdam), JoAnna LaForce (Farmacy, LA), Robert Jacobs (Peace in Medicine, Sebastopol) and Irvin Rosenfeld (federally recognized patient, FL).

Check out the Photo Gallery:

And extra special shout to the patients, like 19 year old Jordan who is fighting Lukemia. Jordan already has a hard enough fight with cancer. He can live just a bit easier knowing he doesn't have to fight for his medicine too.

Assignment: Medicinal Marijuana, Fortune Magazine
Photo Editor: Scott Thode
Photo Assistants: Ricardo Richey and Ha Huynh